The Effect of Dental Implants On Your Nutrition

The Effect of Dental Implants On Your Nutrition

Ideally, your secondary teeth are meant to last you a lifetime. However, some factors can lead to loss of teeth, like accidents that knock a few teeth, loose old age which is not preventable. However, tooth loss due to gum diseases like gingivitis is preventable with proper hygiene. As you are chewing, the PH in your mouth changes from alkaline to acidic, so as to digest food. 

This acid lingers in your mouth after eating and may cause tooth decay and subsequent tooth loss. Taking care of your teeth is exceptionally important to preserve a healthy body and mind. Missing teeth can also affect your social health, as you may feel self-conscious as you speak, eat, or laugh. Dental implants can help you regain confidence and give you a shot at everyday life before tooth loss. Some effects of dental implants on your nutrition include;

1.You Can Start Eating Again

If you have one or more missing teeth, you know how hard it is to eat most foods. The great thing about dental implants is that they re-introduce you to the foods you love. The whole process of dental implantation is made to mimic the natural function of teeth. This means that as soon as the healing is complete and your teeth settle, there will be little to no difference in how you chew and bite. Even when you get full mouth reconstruction, your mouth and gums will feel as comfortable as you did with your secondary teeth. When you have missing teeth, you are limited to foods that require little to no chewing, like yogurt, scrambled eggs, and most liquids. 

You need to eat various proteins, carbohydrates, minerals, and vitamins for an overall healthy body and mind. Most of these foods, especially proteins like meat and beans, give you the necessary iron and are impossible to eat when you don’t have teeth. Teeth loss could lead to extreme weight loss that can put you in danger of altering essential body functions such as blood pressure and sugar levels. This puts you at risk of getting diabetes, heart diseases, osteoporosis, dehydration, some types of cancers, and high blood pressure. Dental implants afford you the power to enjoy a steak with some crunchy vegetables and keep your weight as it should be.

2.Teeth Aid in Digestion

Digestion starts in the mouth. Your teeth are directly linked to the mastication and absorption of food. The simple act of chewing is quite vital in the digestion of food. As you eat, chewing helps break down the food into smaller pieces, and it mixes with saliva making it easy to swallow. The process is most important for carbohydrates. 

Carbohydrates are necessary as they fuel your body throughout the day. This is why not properly chewing your food puts you at a greater risk of choking. Without teeth, none of those, as mentioned earlier, functions are possible. You can either settle for juices or soups that do not meet your nutritional requirements. Dental implants give you the option to replace one tooth or a full mouth reconstruction that your digestive system will be grateful for.

3.Preserves the Taste Buds

To enjoy food, you need to be able to taste it. The tongue and the roof of your mouth carry the most taste buds. Some tooth replacements options, such as dentures, have a plate that will obscure the roof of your tongue. This means that you cannot taste food which may lead to a loss in appetite and eventually cause weight loss. Even when you get full mouth reconstruction, the roof of your mouth is not covered. Dental implants help you regain your sense of taste that enables you to eat as you should to attain your ideal weight.

Dental implants not only afford you new teeth but also increase jawbone strength as well. This ensures that you attain a more substantial bite force and eat foods that you could not eat when you had missing teeth. Oral health is essential and proper care should be taken at all times. The risk of malnutrition is significantly reduced after dental implantation. With good care, your implants will last you a lifetime. So make a point to get dental implants and be on your way to a healthier, happier you.

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